I had a thought today. What if I subscribed to all the church newsletters in the Fan? I could compile a a list of the most interesting Young Adult activities and send it out to everoune through my account at sceneonerichmond@gmail.com.
Nah... too much work.
There must be an easier way to collect this information.
PS when I say Young Adult, I mean ages 20-30. We need a new word.
Z: Awesome. Your post is exactly why this blog is here. I know that Commonwealth Chapel did a Halloween outreach in that little park, which was awesome. I'm all about quality, not quantity, so small is ok by me.
A "Contemplative Prayer" opportunity is also available to the public is at Richmond Hill.
(Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. ,Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m., Thursdays at 12:30 p.m.)