Wednesday, June 20, 2007

More Richmondy Links

I just updated my Richmondy link farm (see right column). This post is for adding other Richmondy links that didn't make the cut.

* -- He follows Richmondy stuff, but ... I don't really read this blog. Are there other bloggers I should be reading?

* A bunch of Richmondy N-blogs that I can't vouch for
** -- Carver&Jackson Ward News
** RVA Blogs
**Petersburg People's News
**Hills and Heights

* Food and Wine richmond wiki --

* There's a world of Flickr I don't yet understand...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

2011 and future technology

I just started playing with Google Earth.

Wow. (If you don't understand, I can't explain it to you. You have to see it.)

Then I found this article.

"For people who haven't spent much time in a 3-D world, of course, it's hard
to imagine feeling comfortable in either. But such environments may soon be as
unavoidable as the Web itself: according to technology research firm Gartner,
current trends suggest that 80 percent of active Internet users and Fortune 500 companies will participate in Second Life or some competing virtual world by the end of 2011. "


Ten years ago Google didn't exist.

Four years ago Myspace didn't exist.

What kinds of technology are going to emerge in the next five years, and what impact will they have on our professional and social lives?


The way I cope with all of this is that in five years you will still have groups of people who interact with each other. If you invest in people you almost can't go wrong.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

New York Times plugs Fan Walking

Caption: Monument Avenue in the Fan District is one of the loveliest places in Richmond for an urban stroll

I almost missed it.. but thanks to the WoBD neighborhood blog for the link to the NYT article promoting my favorite hobby. I am telling you, I'm on to something here.