Tuesday, August 28, 2007

the good kind of evangelism?

I am always morbidly fascinated by evangelism videos... namely street evangelism, where you go up to people Ray-Comfort-style and engage them in a debate about what the Bible says about how they are going to hell without Jesus. Part of me thinks this is rude and the other part of me... agrees with the first part of me. This is totally rude evangelism.

Don't get me wrong... the Good News involves repentance from sin... and Jesus was rude and confrontational sometimes... but I have to admit I am just not comfortable with the idea that the way to introduce people to Christ is by videotaping yourself accusing them of murder. "Hey, there, S%&$head, want to meet my friend Jesus? By the way, I'm taping this to show my Christian friends."

Are there other forms of public evangelism? the good kind?

I don't know ...these guys are more my style...


On the one hand it seems like singing in public can be a public nuisance...

...but if you are a street performer, and you are really good at what you do, most people will appreciate that.

There's a deep thought in there somewhere.

1 comment:

Ryan Witcher said...

i totally agree. the worst is at mardi gras.